Sunday, 14 June 2015

You are what you eat!

Eating local: Gases and atmospheric chem

When you go to the grocery store and see the local section and throw something in your cart for an extra 3 dollars you get the satisfaction of helping your local farmers. But now you can also give yourself a pat on the back because buying local reduces you carbon footprint! It is actually the best and easiest way to greatly reduce your carbon foot print. (Nazak 2012) 

By making our diet consist of local products, we can cut the major environmental costs of the greenhouse gases emitted by food transportation, also known by “Food miles” (the distance from the time of a food’s production until it reaches its consumer). This concept has been introduced in the 1990s and has only been increasing since. This is due to the globalization of trade; food supply bases in fewer, larger districts; and the major increase of packaged foods. These factors have led to a bigger need for more modes of delivery. Food miles create 83% of all emissions of CO2. (Weber, 2008) 

Often, people buy the cheapest product, which is not always the local stuff. So this leads us to the thought, what should be done to promote the local products? 
QOTD: What options are there that doesn’t inconvenience consumers and still promote local products? 

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